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Agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Catchment

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Felmeden, Jörg
ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie
ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Frankfurt am Main
With support of Engelbert Schramm, Elnaz Sattary, Arash Davoudi


This report presents and justifies data regarding agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Basin in Iran used in the German-Iranian Research Project "Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Isfahan", funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. The report is composed by ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research GmbH in order to describe the current status of scientific knowledge on agriculture and to serve as a database for the Water Management Tool (WMT) developed by DHI-WASY. Hence, the primary goal of the report at hand is neither to develop a comprehensive understanding of all agricultural activities in the basin or develop future trends of the agricultural sector nor to elaborate on available water resources or overall waterdemand of agriculture, but to deliver comprehensible basic data (cultivated area, crops and orchards) for the WMT and its future application. Both institutions and activities are part of the German-Iranian Research Project "Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Isfahan" (, coordinated by inter3. The report, its contents and its validations are accounted solely by its authors. The study is based on data received by close collaboration with (1) local institutions like Isfahan Regional WaterCompany and Agriculture Organization Isfahan - AOI, as well as (2) Interviews with farmers from the Westernand Eastern part of the catchment and local experts of water management and agriculture and (3) a continuously literature review of articles and reports concerning the Zayandeh Rud catchment in Iran.

Bibliographische Angaben

Felmeden, Jörg (2014): Agriculture in the Zayandeh Rud Catchment. With support of Engelbert Schramm, Elnaz Sattary, Arash Davoudi. ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie , 40. Frankfurt am Main : ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung