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Transdisciplinary collaboration with societal actors is a major trend in sustainability research. However, looking at the concrete practice regarding scientific conferences and publications, the inclusion of non-scientific actors remains marginal. Going one step further, this paper provides reflections and results from a conference session which was explicitly designed as a transdisciplinary dialogue between research and practice, regarding sustainable food distribution systems. The session took place at the "17th Annual STS Conference - Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies" in Graz in May, 2018. In our paper, we use the multi-level perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions as a theoretical staging, while the niche phenomena of "zero waste shops", "community supported agriculture (CSA)" and "foodcoops" serve as practical examples of alternative food distribution systems. Taking transdisciplinary collaboration and co-authorship seriously the paper was written together with two practitioners of these niche innovations (Jenny Fuhrmann for Zero Waste Stores and David Steinwender for CSA) who contribute their points of view and transformative visions.
-> .../Partials/Detail/Reftype28.html ### Serial - Refman-ID: 16676
Sustainable Transformation of Food Distribution Systems - Research and Practice in a Transdisciplinary Discussion. Results from a conference session on "Sustainable Food Systems" at the 7th Annual STS Conference Graz from 7th-8th May 2018
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Kramm, Johanna/Lukas Sattlegger/Jenny Fuhrmann/David Steinwender
Kramm, Johanna/Lukas Sattlegger/Jenny Fuhrmann/David Steinwender
ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie
ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung
Frankfurt am Main
Die transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit mit gesellschaftlichen Akteuren ist ein richtungsweisender Trend der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung. Betrachtet man jedoch die konkrete Praxis bei wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und Publikationen, so bleibt die Einbeziehung nichtwissenschaftlicher Akteure marginal. In diesem Artikel werden Reflexionen und Ergebnisse einer Konferenzsession diskutiert, die explizit als transdisziplinärer Dialog zwischen Forschung und Praxis über nachhaltige Lebensmittelverteilungssysteme konzipiert wurde. Die Session war Teil der 17. Grazer STS-Konferenz mit dem Titel „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies" im Mai 2018. Im folgenden Artikel dient uns die multi-level Perspektive (MLP) auf soziotechnische Transitionen als theoretischer Rahmen. Als praktische Beispiele für alternative Lebensmittelverteilungssysteme fungieren die Nischenphänomene „Zero Waste Shops", „Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)" und „Foodcoops". Transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit und Co-Autorenschaft ernstnehmend, wurde der Artikel zusammen mit zwei Akteuren aus Nischen geschrieben, die ihre eigenen Standpunkte und transformativen Visionen einbringen (Jenny Fuhrmann für Zero Waste Stores und David Steinwender für CSA).Transdisciplinary collaboration with societal actors is a major trend in sustainability research. However, looking at the concrete practice regarding scientific conferences and publications, the inclusion of non-scientific actors remains marginal. Going one step further, this paper provides reflections and results from a conference session which was explicitly designed as a transdisciplinary dialogue between research and practice, regarding sustainable food distribution systems. The session took place at the "17th Annual STS Conference - Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies" in Graz in May, 2018. In our paper, we use the multi-level perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions as a theoretical staging, while the niche phenomena of "zero waste shops", "community supported agriculture (CSA)" and "foodcoops" serve as practical examples of alternative food distribution systems. Taking transdisciplinary collaboration and co-authorship seriously the paper was written together with two practitioners of these niche innovations (Jenny Fuhrmann for Zero Waste Stores and David Steinwender for CSA) who contribute their points of view and transformative visions.
Bibliographische Angaben
Kramm, Johanna/Lukas Sattlegger/Jenny Fuhrmann/David Steinwender (2018): Sustainable Transformation of Food Distribution Systems - Research and Practice in a Transdisciplinary Discussion. Results from a conference session on "Sustainable Food Systems" at the 7th Annual STS Conference Graz from 7th-8th May 2018. ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie , 53. Frankfurt am Main : ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung