ISOE Publications

Bibliography Johanna Kramm

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Florides, Paula/Johanna Kramm (2023): Explaining Agenda-Setting of the European Plastics Strategy. A Multiple Streams Analysis. In: Kramm, Johanna/Carolin Völker (Ed.): Living in the Plastic Age. Perspectives from Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 25-50

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Hummel, Diana/Thomas Jahn/Johanna Kramm/Immanuel Stieß (2023): Gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse - Grundbegriff und Denkraum für die Gestaltung von sozial-ökologischen Transformationen. In: Sonnberger, Marco/Alena Bleicher/Matthias Groß (Ed.): Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Kramm, Johanna (2023): Agential cuts of regulatory science practices - the case of microplastics. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space

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Ref-Type [30] =Edited Book

Kramm, Johanna/Carolin Völker (Ed.) (2023): Living in the Plastic Age. Perspectives from Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Kramm, Johanna/Carolin Völker (2023): Introduction: Living in the Plastic Age. In: Kramm, Johanna/Carolin Völker (Ed.): Living in the Plastic Age. Perspectives from Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental Sciences. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 7-24

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Kramm, Johanna/Nicolas Schlitz (2022): Müll - Macht - Materialität: Politische Ökologien des Abfalls. In: Gottschlich, Daniela/Sarah Hackfort/Tobias Schmitt/Uta von Winterfeld (Ed.): Handbuch Politische Ökologie.Theorien, Konflikte, Begriffe, Methoden. Bielefeld: transcript, 235-244

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Kramm, Johanna/Stefanie Steinhoff/Simon Werschmöller/Beate Völker/Carolin Völker (2022): Explaining risk perception of microplastics: Results from a representative survey in Germany. Global Environmental Change 73 (March 2022), 102485

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Catarino, Ana I./Johanna Kramm/Carolin Völker/Theodore B. Henry/Gert Everaert (2021): Risk posed by microplastics: Scientific evidence and public perception. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry , 100467