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Bibliographie Immanuel Stieß

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Deffner, Jutta/Immanuel Stieß (2022): Quartiersbewohnerinnen und -bewohner und Kommune für suffiziente Alltagspraktiken aktivieren. In: Libbe, Jens/SynVer*Z - Synthese und Vernetzungsprojekt Zukunftsstadt (Hg.): Reallabore für urbane Transformation. Methoden, Akteure und Orte experimenteller und ko-produktiver Stadtentwicklung am Beispiel der BMBF-Zukunftsstadtforschung. Berlin

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Ref-Type [10] =Conference Proceeding

Stieß, Immanuel/Thomas Friedrich (2022): Accelerating market uptake of heat pump systems: Challenges, visions and steps for change - results from a stakeholder process in four European countries. Peer-reviewed conference paper. Proceedings of the eceee 2022 Summer Study on energy efficiency: agents of change.

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Stieß, Immanuel/Lukas Sattlegger/Luca Raschewski/Konrad Götz (2022): „Suffizient wohnen in der Nachfamilienphase - Umrisse eines sozial-ökologischen Begrenzungskonzepts". In: Onnen, Corinna (Hg.): Gelegenheitsfenster für nachhaltigen Konsum. Lebenslauf, Biographien und Konsumkorridore. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 157-178

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Stieß, Immanuel/Georg Sunderer/Luca Raschewski/Melina Stein/Konrad Götz/Janina Belz/Robert Follmer/Jana Hölscher/Barbara Birzle-Harder (2022): Repräsentativumfrage zum Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltverhalten im Jahr 2020. Klimaschutz und sozial-ökologische Transformation. UBA-Texte, 10. Dessau-Roßlau

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Alber, Gotelind/Diana Hummel/Ulrike Röhr/Immanuel Stieß (2021): How to make Germany's climate policy gender-responsive: Experiences from research and advocacy. Gender, Intersectionality and Climate Institutions in Industrialised States. Routledge Studies in Gender and Environments. London/New York: Routledge, 52-68

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Deffner, Jutta/Jan-Marc Joost/Manuela Weber/Immanuel Stieß (2021): Bottom-Up Strategies for Shared Mobility and Practices in Urban Housing to Improve Sustainable Planning. Sustainability 13 (5), 2897

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Fischer, Corinna/Immanuel Stieß (2021): The Role of Consumers: Social Participation Beyond Work and the Market. In: Seidl, Irmi/Angelika Zahrnt (Hg.): Post-growth work: Employment and meaningful activities within planetary boundaries. London: Routledge, 57-71

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Ref-Type [27] =Report

Friedrich, Thomas/Immanuel Stieß (2021): Social acceptance of innovative RE H/C systems: barriers, hindrances, drivers and incentives. Brüssel: European Commission

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Ref-Type [27] =Report

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Sauer, Arn/Immanuel Stieß (2021): Accounting for gender in climate policy advice: adapting a gender impact assessment tool to issues of climate change. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 39 (3), 262-273