ISOE Publikationen

Bibliographie Marion Mehring

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Mehring, Marion/Edward Ott/Diana Hummel (2018): Ecosystem services supply and demand assessment: Why social-ecological dynamics matter. Ecosystem Services 30, 124-125

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Watt, Allan/Gill Ainsworth/Estelle Balian/George Cojocaru/Marianne Darbi/Lynn Dicks/Hilde Eggermont/Eeva Furman/Lise Goudeseune/Pierre Huybrecht/Eszter Kelemen/Florian Koch/Zoi Konstantinou/Barbara Livoreil/Karla Locher/Alexandra Lux/Marion Mehring/Carsten Nesshoever/Riikka Paloniemi/Heli Saarikoski/Isabel Sousa Pinto/Marie Vandewalle/Riku Varjopuro/Liisa Varumo/Heidi Wittmer/Juliette Young (2018): EKLIPSE: engaging knowledge holders and networks for evidence-informed European policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Evidence & Policy

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Mehring, Marion (2017): Sozial-ökologische Perspektiven auf Biodiversität. In: Eser, Uta (Hg.): Naturschutz und soziale Gerechtigkeit. BfN-Skripten, 469. Bonn - Bad Godesberg: Bundesamt für Naturschutz BfN, 40-44

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Mehring, Marion/Barbara Bernard/Diana Hummel/Stefan Liehr/Alexandra Lux (2017): Halting biodiversity loss: how social-ecological biodiversity research makes a difference. International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management 13 (1), 172-180

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Mehring, Marion/Diana Hummel (2017): The need for transdisciplinary social-ecological biodiversity research - More a lack of knowledge rather than a lack of action. ISOE Policy Brief, 5. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung

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Ref-Type [10] =Conference Proceeding

Mehring, Marion/Diana Hummel/Alexandra Lux (2017): Social-ecological Perspective in Biodiversity Research - A Framework of a Transdisciplinary Research Process. In: Kabisch, Nadja/Jutta Stadler/Simon Duffield/Horst Korn/Aletta Bonn (Hg.): Proceedings of the European Conference "Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change in Urban Areas and their Rural Surroundings". Bonn, Germany, 17.-19.11.2015, BfN-Skripten (456) Bonn: Bundesamt für Naturschutz BfN, 123-124

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Schleyer, Christian/Alexandra Lux/Marion Mehring/Christoph Görg (2017): Ecosystem Services as a Boundary Concept: Arguments from Social Ecology. Sustainability 9 (7), 1107

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Ref-Type [5] =Book, Chapter

Mehring, Marion/Alexandra Lux (2016): Der Wert der Biodiversität. In: Lozán, José L./Siegmar-W. Breckle/Ruth Müller/Eike Rachor (Hg.): Warnsignal Klima: Die Biodiversität. Hamburg: Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, 32-37