ISOE Publikationen

Bibliographie Oskar Marg

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

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Ref-Type [24] =Pamphlet

Kreß-Ludwig, Michael/Rieke Schneider/Elena Maria Troia/Oskar Marg/Alexandra Lux (2024): Grüne Finger: Produktiv. Nachhaltig. Lebendig. Grüne Finger für eine klimaresiliente Stadt.

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Theiler, Lena/Hanna Hilbert/Oskar Marg (2024): Wissenschaftliche Wirkungen transdisziplinärer Forschung - veränderte Probleme, andere Ergebnisse und mehr Reflexivität. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung

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Ref-Type [27] =Report

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Marg, Oskar/Lena Theiler (2023): Effects of transdisciplinary research on scientific knowledge and reflexivity. Research Evaluation 32 (4), 635-647

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Ref-Type [24] =Pamphlet

Marg, Oskar/Elena Maria Troia/Michael Kreß-Ludwig/Alexandra Lux (2023): MobilBericht: Verkehrsplanung am Menschen ausrichten. Sozial gerecht und ökologisch verträglich.

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Parodi, Oliver/Roy Schwichtenberg/Franziska Stelzer/Regina Rhodius/Claudia Schreider/Timo von Wirth/Daniel J. Lang/Oskar Marg/Felix Wagner/Markus Egermann/Dierk Bauknecht/Matthias Wanner (2023): Stellungnahme des Netzwerks Reallabore der Nachhaltigkeit zur Reallabore-Gesetz-Initiative. GAIA 32 (4), 399-401

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Völker, Carolin/Thomas Friedrich/Matthias Winfried Kleespies/Oskar Marg/Sabrina Schiwy (2023): "The toxic substance has killed all ducks": framing of chemical risks related to the 2021 summer flood in German news media. Environmental Sciences Europe 35 (83)

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Drees, Lukas/Stefan Liehr/Batjav Batbuyan/Oskar Marg/Marion Mehring (2022): In search of a nomadic pastoralism for the 21st century. A transdisciplinary development of future scenarios to foster a social-ecological transformation in Mongolia. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 35 (3), 481-505

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Ref-Type [35] =Online Source

Lam, David P.M./Maria E. Freund/Josefa Kny/Oskar Marg/Melanie Mbah/Lena Theiler (2022): Painting the full picture: An integrative perspective on context, formats and impact in transdisciplinary research. Science for Sustainability: A blog by social-ecological researchers at Leuphana University