ISOE Publikationen

Bibliographie Robert Lütkemeier

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Drees, Lukas/Robert Lütkemeier/Heide Kerber (2021): Necessary or oversimplification? On the strengths and limitations of current assessments to integrate social dimensions in planetary boundaries. Ecological Indicators 129 (October), 108009

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Robert Lütkemeier (2021): Groundwater: De-localized Resources in the Anthropocene. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Kraus, Ronja/Robert Lütkemeier/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2021): Finished ORYCS master's thesis: Landscape permeability for elephant movement. SPACES II Newsletter, 5. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 6

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Ref-Type [27] =Report

Liehr, Stefan/Robert Lütkemeier/Deike U. Lüdtke (2021): Erstellung eines Trinkwassertagesbedarf-Prognose-Modells für das Versorgungsgebiet von HAMBURG WASSER. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Lüdtke, Deike U./Robert Lütkemeier (2021): Wasserverbrauch in Lockdown-Zeiten und Konsequenzen für die zukünftige Versorgungssicherheit. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Lüdtke, Deike U./Robert Lütkemeier/Michael Schneemann/Stefan Liehr (2021): Increase in Daily Household Water Demand during the First Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany. Water 13 (3), 260

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Lütkemeier, Robert/Fanny Frick-Trzebitzky/Dženeta Hodžic/Anna Jäger/David Kuhn/Linda Söller (2021): Telecoupled Groundwaters: New Ways to Investigate Increasingly De-Localized Resources. Water 13 (20), 2906

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Ref-Type [10] =Conference Proceeding

Lütkemeier, Robert/Ronja Kraus/Meed Mbidzo/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2021): Stakeholder Attitudes towards Wildlife-Based Land Use in Namibia's Kunene Region. IGC-IRC2021 Proceedings. Joint XXIV International Grassland Congress and XI International Rangeland Congress 25.10.21-29.10.21 Nairobi (Kenya): Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Lütkemeier, Robert/Meed Mbidzo/Stefan Liehr (2021): Water security and rangeland sustainability: Transdisciplinary research insights from Namibian-German collaborations. South African Journal of Science 117 (1/2), 7773

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Fickel, Thomas/Robert Lütkemeier/Diana Hummel (2020): Biodiversitätskonflikte. Eine sozial-ökologische Perspektive. W & F Wissenschaft und Frieden 38 (4), 26-29