ISOE Publikationen

Bibliographie Stefan Liehr

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Lüdtke, Deike U./Verena Rossow/Nicola Schuldt-Baumgart/Stefan Liehr (2022): Avoiding pitfalls in knowledge transfer. A guide using the example of communication with Namibian land users. ISOE Blog Soziale Ökologie. Krise - Kritik - Gestaltung

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Prakash, Sreya/Stefan Liehr/Marc Beckett/Marius Mohr (2022): Coimbatore's Lakes - An Introduction. Water Innovation Hub Coimbatore - HubPost, 1. Coimbatore, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Prakash, Sreya/Stefan Liehr/Marc Beckett/Marius Mohr (2022): The Slow Death of the Lakes. Water Innovation Hub Coimbatore - HubPost, 2. Coimbatore, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Prakash, Sreya/Stefan Liehr/Marc Beckett/Marius Mohr (2022): Championing the Rejuvenation. Water Innovation Hub Coimbatore - HubPost, 3. Coimbatore, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Prakash, Sreya/Stefan Liehr/Marc Beckett/Marius Mohr (2022): Smart Monitoring for Smart Management. Water Innovation Hub Coimbatore - HubPost, 4. Coimbatore, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart

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Ref-Type [17] =Journal

Brinkmann, Katja/Daniel Kübler/Stefan Liehr/Andreas Bürkert (2021): Agent-based modelling of the social-ecological nature of poverty traps in southwestern Madagascar. Agricultural Systems 190, 103125

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Ref-Type [10] =Conference Proceeding

Brinkmann, Katja/Stefan Liehr/Lena Bickel (2021): Rangeland Management in Namibia in the Face of Looming Desertification: Insights from the Freehold Farmers' Perspective. In: National Organizing Committee of 2021 IGC/IRC Congress (Hg.): International Grassland Congress Proceedings. The XXIV International Grassland Congress/XI International Rangeland Congress. Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Online Conference 25.10-29.10.2021

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Frick-Trzebitzky, Fanny/Katja Brinkmann/Katharina Koböck/Stefan Liehr/Thomas Fickel (2021): Sozial-ökologische Konfliktanalyse zur Deichsanierung entlang der Weschnitz zwischen Biblis und Einhausen. ISOE-Materialien Soziale Ökologie, 64. Frankfurt am Main: ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung

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Ref-Type [28] =Serial (Book, Monograph)

Kraus, Ronja/Robert Lütkemeier/Morgan Hauptfleisch/Stefan Liehr (2021): Finished ORYCS master's thesis: Landscape permeability for elephant movement. SPACES II Newsletter, 5. Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa, 6

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Ref-Type [35] =Online Source

Liehr, Stefan/Deike U. Lüdtke (2021): Hamburger Wasserverbrauchsstudie 2021 - Begleit-Analyse der Ergebnisse. Hamburg Wasser